Welcome to our family blog!

The purpose of this blog is to be a journal for my children and to help other parents who have been given a diagnosis of down syndrome. It is so upsetting to think that 90% of parents who find out their baby has down syndrome choose to terminate their pregnancy.

Many times as in our case we had no real knowledge or life experiences of what down syndrome was like. It was absolutely frightening to be completely in the dark. However, there were only a couple of days of grieving for the child we had envisioned in our minds. Once we started researching all of the resources available, talking with other parents of children with down syndrome and began bonding with our beautiful twins we were able to see that our twins were not all that different. They were both two beautiful gifts from god.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Lyla is now 4.5 years old!

Life has been crazy and I looked at this blog the other day and  I cannot believe it has been almost 3 years since I posted. Lyla is doing so well. She has now been on Gingko for about 3 years. This past year we have really changed our plan around and have added EECG green tea as well as a very potent vitamin regimen. This week we started doing a consistent plan of flash cards which is 10 cards 3 times a day. So far Lyla knows seven cards. Lyla, Carly, Mommy, Daddy, Jay, Abby, Eat, Up.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Lyla now says - Hi, Momma, Dadda, Baba, Cookie, Thank You, Ball, Bath, Night Night, Nana, Puppy, Up, down, JJ, Sissy, On, Off, Ok, Food, Book, Bark, Roar, baby, teeth, outside, out, in, hungry

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

I am so thankful for my beautiful baby girl Lyla and her brother Jay and sister Carly

They give everything back that I give to them tenfold.

Lyla now says 25 words - Hi, Momma, Dadda, Baba, Cookie, Thank You, Ball, Bath, Night Night, Nana, Puppy, Up, down, JJ, Sissy, On, Off, Ok, Food, Book, Bark, Roar, baby, teeth

She rides her plasma car, bounces on the trampoline and runs in all directions.

She is absolutely the sweetest little girl.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Lyla is following in Carly's footsteps and is starting Wee Wuns preschool

We are so excited to start Lyla in preschool at Wee Wuns in Cypress, Tx. Carly is now in kindergarten however she still misses Wee Wuns. They have been so supportive in integrating Lyla in the classroom. I really believe she will be able to keep up with her two year old peers. She listens well and follows two step commands. She talks quietly however she is talking and babbling all the time.

Friday, July 29, 2011

My Babies are two years old!!

We just got back from the doctor and they are both healthy! Lyla's thyroid levels are perfect and the x-rays of her neck are normal so she can now start gymnastics.

Lyla now says: Hi, Momma, Dadda, Baba, Cookie, Thank You, Ball, Bath, Night Night, Nana, Puppy, Up, down, JJ, Sissy

Lyla Measured: Height 31.75" (6.71%) Weight 23lbs 13.7oz. (14.48%)
JJ Measured: Height 37" (97.06%) Weight 34lbs (96.7%)

It is so funny because now people do not think they are twins when they first meet them. They keep telling me I had Irish twins.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Lyla is a little Walker and a little Talker!

Lyla has amazed me these last few months.

She now says: Mamma, Dadda, Cookie, Thank, Puppy, Ball and Hi!! She is now 20 months old and is constantly moving and babbling. We have kept her on Gingko Biloba this entire time. I believe it has helped her come this far so fast. I just think it gives her energy and motivation. The Speech Therapist was really pleased that she is able to say Cookie. She heard her say it when she was visiting. I guess the C sound is tough.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Lyla has taken her first steps!

Lyla has started standing from a crawling position and then walking a couple of steps before she falls down. She keeps getting stronger every day and has built it up to 3 steps before she falls. She started walking right after Christmas. She is 17 months old!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

October - Life Changes

At the end of September, we were supposed to remove a Dermoid Cyst from Jay's eyebrow. Two days before the operation was scheduled the cyst absolutely disappeared so I canceled the surgery. We did a followup visit with the plastic surgeon and he agreed the cyst was completely gone. He could not feel anything when he touched it. He said out of the thousand cases he has seen at Texas Childrens Hospital he has only had 3 completely disappear. Two of those grew back eventually and the other one was permanently gone.

On October 10th I took all three of my babies to visit my mother who lives in Galveston. We had a great visit. We were all sitting outside for most of the day enjoying the very beginning of colder weather. It was a beautiful day and all of the neighborhood birds had began congregating in my mothers backyard. She got out some bread and started throwing it to them. She grabbed my 5 year old Carly and began teaching her how to throw the bread. Each time she did her own version of the Chicken dance. Each time she threw her arms up high and casted the bread above yelling "Whoooooooooo." My daughter followed her every move. I could tell my mother was having a little bit of a hard time breathing. But, for most of the visit she seemed in good spirits. She has been battling small cell lung cancer for the last six years. Towards the end of the day the twins started getting cranky and needed a nap so I left early and headed back to Houston.

On October 13th  my mother died.  After a very bad night of labored breathing and disorientation she was transported to a hospice hospital in heights in Houston. I got the message about her the next day and headed to the hospice hospital around 9am. I stayed with her and held her hand and watched her take her last breath at around 3pm.

Friday, September 17, 2010

September has been all about doctors appointments!

Lyla got fitted for a pair of Orthodics on September 15th. The orthodics are a pink floral pattern and are so adorable. They remind me of the inside plastic liners on snowboard boots. She should get them in about 3 weeks. The orthodics will really help support her ankles to aid in her walking. Right now she stands and cruises but her ankles tend to buckle in from her low muscle tone and she collapses after 10 minutes or so. 

Jay has surgery with a plastic surgeon on Monday at 7:30am to remove a Dermoid Cyst above his eyebrow that has been slowly growing since birth. We have to be at the hospital at 6am. It should be a very interesting morning with a parched 1 year old who has not been able to drink his morning milk. The surgery itself should take about 5 min. The incision should be less than half an inch and the scar should blend into his eyebrow. However, I have heard the bruising after surgery looks brutal.

Carly has been in an acute asthma attack for the last two weeks and I have been giving her round the clock breathing treatments.

Such is life with THREE kiddos. I wouldn't trade it for the world though.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Lyla's Evaluation for Cognitive, Communication, Social, Physical

Lyla just had her one year evaluation on August 9th by her Occupational and Speech Therapist.

They evaluated her on a scale for Normal Development for a child. She was born exactly one month early and when that is adjusted she is considered 11 months.

Cognitive is 10 months
Communication is 11 months
Social-Emotional is 13 months
Physical is 11 months
Adaptive Behavior is 14 months

Her Theraptists wrote down her skills at 1 year old:
Happy Baby
Starting to move everywhere
Pulling up to Stand
Dancing to music
Following simple commands
Making sounds
Eating solids

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The babies are One Year old!

My twinkies have grown so fast and time has flown by.

Since Lyla was 3 months old we have had an Occupational Therapist and Speech Therapist come to our home to do therapy. She has really progressed fast. Our nanny Samantha who comes to the house everyday is wonderful. She attends all therapy meetings and has spent many hours working Lyla out on the ball or doing floor exercise. As soon as the three of us (her OT, Samantha and I) decide she is going to learn to do something we all hunker down and work with her for a few extra hours and usually within a matter of weeks or a month she acheives the goal. I am so thankful for the free services and therapies that are offered through Early Intervention.

I have just started supplementing Lyla's diet with Ginko Biloba. It has been touted as some what of a miracle drug for the extraordinary effects it has on the memory and for its ability to increase blood flow in the brain. After all, much of what many top Researchers from Universities across the country are realizing is: If we can help prevent the neurons from dying off in the brain, and at the same time increase blood flow to the region of the brain that is most severely affected in Down Syndrome, the hypocampus, then we could possibly allow for more typical brain development. The studies being done at Stanford Univeristy right now are extremely promising and all point to this hypothesis being correct. Just how to treat the brain, is something that still needs to be completely realized.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Comparing Development 0-12 months

The twins were born at 35.5 weeks (exactly a month early). All three of my children were born at 35.5 weeks.

Both of the twins were in perfect health besides Jay developing Jaundice and Lyla having a down syndrome diagnosis.

Lyla 18" - 5 lbs 4 oz
Jay 20" - 5lbs 14 oz
6 month appointment
Lyla 24.5" (10th percentile) - 16 lbs
Jay 27.5" (90th percentile) - 20lbs
1 year appointment
Lyla 27.75" (10th percentile) - 20 lbs
Jay 32" (95th percentile) - 25 lbs

When Lyla was first born she was a strong feeder. It was Jay who had a weak suckle and would take forever to feed. Lyla is also so much easier to feed solids to.

Rolling Over
Lyla was the first to roll over the day after she turned 2 months old. She first rolled from her belly to her back. Then one week later she rolled from her back to her belly and was that way when I awoke her from sleeping.
It took Jay until he was 6 months old to accomplish rolling over. At 6 months they are both rolling 4 to 5 times accross the floor and are scooting everywhere. They both have such good head control when they are on their bellies they can extend their heads high up in the air.

Smiling and Laughing
Jay was the first to really start smiling at 3 months old. He was also batting at the toys over his bouncer seat.
Lyla did not begin to really smile and laugh or bat at toys until she was 4 months old.

Jay started squealing and laughing at 5 months while Lyla started at 6 months.

Lyla and Jay both began prop sitting at 5 months. Jay has gone on to master sitting in the bath with my hand behind him in case he falls. Lyla at 6 months is still a little weaker but is able to place her hands on the floor to sit for a few minutes.
At 7.5 months Jay began sitting alone with toys in each hand.
Lyla at 9 months is sitting alone with toys in each hand.
Lyla at 10 months was able to sit from a crawling position.

Jay began army crawling at 8 months and Lyla at 9 months crawled backwards.
Lyla began crawling forward at 10 months like a baby seal belly flop. At 13 months Lyla is crawling on all fours.

Jay began babbling at 5 months saying abaddadaba. Lyla started at the beginning of 8 months.
Jay said his first word "MAMA" when I came into the room at 10 months.
Jay now at a year says "Baby, Baba, Dada, and JJ." Lyla at 14 months comes up to me and says "MAMA."

Pulling Up
Lyla started pulling up a couple of days after her 1st birthday on July 23rd. She is currently pulling up on everything...in her crib...on the fireplace...sofa. At about 13 months she started cruising.

Jay just began walking on July 21st. Just like my 4 year old Carly, he began walking two days before he turned 11 months. Lyla just started walking at 17 months right before the new year 2011.

Clapping Hands
Lyla started clapping her hands at 15 months.

January 2010 pics